CTRL-ALT-DEL by Kevin     Rated: Adult Only   Liked   [Reviews - 1]    
Summary: Who said there's a person at the other end of your computer? Soap stud Antonio Sabato Jr.'s about to find out that human beings aren't the cruelest things out there!

Categories: Real Person Fiction
Characters: Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  1,842      Read Count:  1215
[Report This]     Published: 12/08/2001     Updated: 12/08/2001
Kevin Z. vs. "Mad Dog Joey" by Kevin     Rated: Adult Only      [Reviews - 0]    
Summary: Celebrity Wrestling Porn. Smut, pure and simple. Well, maybe not so simple.

Categories: Real Person Fiction
Characters: Kevin Zegers
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  3,683      Read Count:  867
[Report This]     Published: 03/13/2005     Updated: 03/13/2005
Say Hello to New Kirk by Kevin     Rated: Adult Only      [Reviews - 0]    
Summary: (Star Trek 2009) Karl could curse like a sailor. He was like a sailor in a lot of ways.

Categories: Star Trek, Real Person Fiction
Characters: Chris Pine, Karl Urban
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  2,918      Read Count:  12514
[Report This]     Published: 05/29/2009     Updated: 05/29/2009
Troy Boy by Kevin     Rated: Adult Only      [Reviews - 0]    
Summary: If you thought Orlando had it easy on the set of Troy, guess again!

Categories: Real Person Fiction
Characters: Orlando Bloom
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  779      Read Count:  930
[Report This]     Published: 02/01/2005     Updated: 02/01/2005