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Wanting To Get A Head by Kevin     Rated: Teen and above      [Reviews - 1]    
Summary: A plane crash, a deserted house, and an unexpected visitor give Duncan, Tessa, and Richie a night they will never, ever forget.

Categories: Highlander
Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Tessa Noel
Status: None
Series: Halloween Series
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  6,624      Read Count:  742
[Report This]     Published: 10/31/1995     Updated: 10/31/1995
When the Time is Right by Kevin     Rated: Adult Only      [Reviews - 0]    
Summary: Richie's past comes back to haunt him, and it drags Duncan in as well. Can these two survive, and find their way back?

Unadulterated Smut-fic!

Categories: Highlander
Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4      Table of Contents
Completed:  No      Word count:  36,624      Read Count:  2631
[Report This]     Published: 03/15/1997     Updated: 11/08/1998
Wide Open Spaces by Kevin     Rated: All Audiences      [Reviews - 0]    
Summary: A short poem.

Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Status: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1      Table of Contents
Completed:  Yes      Word count:  155      Read Count:  634
[Report This]     Published: 07/14/2009     Updated: 07/14/2009