My Story

In 1993, I found a book. Just lying there on the ground. Being the bibliophile I am, I of course opened it up.  And my world changed.

A decade later, and I found myself traveling to New Mexico (where, yes, I ended up moving) following an insistent call. I traveled to an incredible world full of wonder and mystery (and, frankly, had my first MMORPG experience.) It’s had it’s ups and downs (and power outages, and natural disasters) and it’s not quite ready for prime time, but…

Read My Adventures…

Now, though. It’s been a decade. I am settled, occasionally flitting back to my relto and the City. The mountains (and the Cave) are my homes and life is good. But the feeling, that eerie calmness before my world changes completely around me is hovering there, just outside my vision. I can tell my summer is about to reinvent my world. As has happened in the past, I may not be able to post any time soon, or let you know of my safety. Know that I am ready. My story is still, not yet finished…



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