New 3D picture

This was entered into DAZ’s contest. No, I didn’t win. I was also surprised that Prince Harry has a cat. Hmmmm, maybe it’s the kitchen cat and is just taking a few moments to torment the Prince. LAZY SUNDAY AFTERNOON

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Well…. You may have noticed how much is *not* appearing on the journal, and if you are the kind of person who wonders about such things, I will try and appease you. Last year, I got the jones to try my hand at song vidding, where one takes footage from…

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New story

Because I was bored. Consenting Adults only. Mean, nasty story. NC-17. XXX. Naughty words. Indescribable acts of perversion. Gross disregard for limitations. Have I convinced you not to read it yet? Real Person Slash involving the men from “Troy”

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HL/P:TL Crossover WIP!

Getting back to Richie for a moment, did you know that Martin Cummins, who played Pete in “Unholy Alliance” was a runner up for the part of Richie? Good thing, too, since he went on to play Nick Boyle on “Poltergist:The Legacy” for four years, with much more screen time….

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Another one bites the dust.

Well, I can now check another “To Do” off my list. As of two hours ago, I can now say I have danced on a Chicago stage with a professional dance company, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. My partner was the lovely and talented Shannon Alvis, and I was terrified out…

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